Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Science with Water

We worked with a tub half filled with water tonight. He placed the whistle tube in it and found that it makes music when the ends of the 'U' shape are alternately pulled up and down. Then we learned about buoyancy by using a clear plastic case (it was originally for a pair of his water sandals) that has unequal sides (the opening, from top to bottom), and then the buoyancy of different balls. Cute video of it except he decided that he was going to have to go potty in the middle and he kept holding himself during the video we were shooting.

Botany Discussion

I found a maple tree that had just sprouted, and the seed pod was still attached. He thought the roots felt funny. Here are some pictures of our discussion.

We found a maple leaf, much larger, though, that had had an insect egg laid on it, that had later hatched. Here are a couple of pictures of that.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MrBaby is Still SIck

But he did ask to take his meds and slept some today, up til about 1 PM. Poor lil guy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

MrBaby is Sick Today

Very runny nose, major icky stuff, bleh. Refuses to take any medicine, and yes, it's the same medicine he begs to take when he's not sick.

We still did some different activities. He's discovered his ankle bone, so we looked at xray pictures of that. This lead us to xrays of feet, and then hands. I also showed him an xray of a skull, which, at first, he thought was a dinosaur. I showed him how the ankle bone moves and helps us walk. We saw one photograph that showed where someone had sprained it very badly, almost looking like it was broken.

We also looked at photographs of the planet Venus after seeing it in the northeast sky. I'm assuming it's Venus, last year it was straight across the street, so it's something I need to look up and check on before too long.

We set up the tents, with the new tent, traded from Donny, having one of the longer poles snap on me. Glad it was on the very end, and not in the middle. I ended up asking Josh for some help on getting it set up. He did finally tell me that he was late getting home yesterday because the guy driving (not Danny) ended up driving them within a mile of Chicago. He ate most of his supper in the larger tent. This was around the same time that James showed up, during the day. I got to talk to his mom, and she gave me the number to her cell. She seems like a very nice lady, and told me she is 30. I told her Crystal is also 30, and the age difference has never been a problem to either of us, and if she ever wanted to hang out, to just come over. I told her about the 'lunch in the park' program, and she said she will most likely come to that with James. I didn't bring up her homeschooling him, I'll save that for later if we do meet. She said they aren't from around here and none of them know too many people. She said they live over on Warsaw at Rudisill.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Knock knock Jokes

We used this page. Too cute, and MrBaby just gigles and giggles.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back from Camping

MrBaby started his leaf collection using the old photo album. We got back late Thursday and Rakkie actually helped us get unpacked. Waiting on the pics from Kathy to come in now. Need to get the thumb to her soon.