Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Business

Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell

There’s nothing good to say about owning your own business once you get past the flexibility and the total control. In my opinion, those things are kind of negatives anyway since I’m a bad time manager and I have a tough time delegating! I guess the biggest problem I’ve found is that I spend so much time doing what I’ve already hired other people to do because I want it perfect that I don’t really have time to just sit back and be the boss. I spend all my weekends working because I don’t want to get behind and from bank card processing to hiring and firing to paying for utilities there’s just a lot to keep up with when you run your own store! I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a lot more work than I ever anticipated and I definitely thought being my own boss would be a lot easier and more relaxing. I guess it’s something to think about before you haul off and start your own company!