Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This guest post from Edgardo Rosa

I have been a huge reality TV fan and I never discriminate. I will watch it all no matter how 'scripted' or fake it seems to be. Ever since we have gotten http://www.direc4u.com I have been watching more reality than normal and my favorite show to watch has to be Survivor. I have watched Survivor for years but never really gotten into it until now. Mostly I just watched the seasons on DVD whenever there was nothing good. The past season really got me hooked though! The thing I like best about this show is how much it really takes to win. It do! es not just test athletic ability or strength or smarts but all those things combined as well as a level of sneakiness needed to ultimately win the game. So far my favorite season has been the villains versus heroes. This season took contestants from past seasons that were fan favorites for being either really sneaky, conniving and just overall bad and pitted them against previous contestants that were known for being honest and forthright and generally good. It was fun to watch previous contestants pitted against each other and see whether it was possible to win the game without lying and breaking alliances. In the end the 3 final contestants that went to tribal were all villains, but at least Sandra, the lesser of the three evils, ultimately won the million dollars.