Friday, August 31, 2012

Again, I Reiterate! The Many Reasons I Choose to Homeschool MrBaby AKA as Karl

Oh, let me count the ways, I mean reasons...

And there are many of them.

1.  Convenience!  If we want to stay up late visiting a friend, or looking at the stars, or the moon, or a storm, or even just a movie, we can, and there's no need to worry about being sleep-deprived the next day. 
If we want to eat breakfast at 10 am instead of 7 am, we can.  If we want to go to the store at 1 in the afternoon, we can.  If we want to do a lesson on shadows and how they move across the yard, we can do that, too, all day!

2.  Health!  Our health isn't compromised by our school district's funny stance on health issues.  One example is that even if your child is sick, has lice, or another communicable disease, you're told that you must send your child to school.  Privacy regulations now prevent school staff from informing other parents when there is an outbreak of lice at FWCS (Fort Wayne Community Schools) so it can spread like crazy!  When you homeschool, you know what your student body has.

3.  Bully-free!  There are no bullies in homeschool environments.  FWCS are full of them, and these bullies are not just students, but some of the teachers.  'Nuff said there!

4.  Better quality teachers!  Yes, I said it.  Homeschools, at least ours, have better quality teachers, who aren't going to gripe about the pay (wow, we get zero, and still do it), go on strike, try to have sexual relationships with the students, or lose a kid on the bus.  FWCS refuses to hire qualified, according to Indiana's DOE standards, substitute teachers if they don't want to become full time teachers.  So someone with a master's degree in Liberal Studies gets told no, and students get substitute taught by, guess who, the PRINCIPAL, or any other staff member available.  No way, I want better than that for my child.  And when the rare occasion happens that I don't know how to explain something, I always have Google!

5.  Better quality socialization!  I get to decide who my child socializes with, not some teacher who doesn't have the same standards I do.  My child socializes with adults, and other children, not just other children.  He is going to grow up to be an adult, not a child.  Right?

6.  Religion!  I get to include religion, and prayer, in our homeschool, and no one can say 'you're fired' to me for doing it.

7.  Tailor-made to my child!  If an opportunity presents itself, I can use that to teach something that otherwise might not have been taught.  I've taught several different things, including cooking, how to clean something up, several different life cycles beyond just the typical butterfly lesson, currents, and so many other things, that will rarely, if ever, be taught in a traditional school.  If he wants to learn about, or I think he's ready, anything, it can be taught.  I can also teach different grade levels at one time.  He's in kindergarten for reading, 1st for math, and about 3rd for science.  Social studies is about 2nd grade.  There are many things he learns that aren't covered in traditional schools until middle or high school, such as psychology, simple mechanics and shop class, cooking and home economics, sewing...  And he gets almost unlimited recess, and arts and crafts that doesn't have to worry about cuts in funding.  There's also music that we get to do, plus he's learning how to make his own videos.

8.  Safety!  I know where my child is, I don't have to worry about not getting him back at the end of the day, and getting a dreaded phone call from someone at the school. 

9.  Consistency and discipline!  I don't have to worry about my son ever being expelled or suspended.  I am the teacher, there are no substitutes, he knows what he can expect, every day, every 'class,' every year.  It won't change.  He knows I love him, I let him throw his fits when he wants things another way, and eventually he asks, almost every time, 'I'm not gonna win, am I?  I really have to try this?'  He doesn't get suspended for taking up time.  Which leads to...

10.  Time!  We have all the time we need to teach and learn that we need.  I'm not on some crazy schedule (except when it's a science experiment, and then sometimes we are) that forces me to give up quality and quantity to meet someone else's expectation of me, him, our teaching or learning experiences.

11.  NO ISTEP!  That's right, we have no ISTEP testing.  None!  My son's education focuses on teaching and learning, discovering, fun, creativity, NOT standardized testing.

12.  Portability!  We can use many different resources, and take our homeschool anywhere we go.  I've taught him in Walmart, restaurants, at the park, while camping, on the bus - everywhere! 

So homeschool is the right choice for us.  It makes me mad that some people suggest he's not being socialized.  Then I have to laugh at them, because it's like they assume I put him in a box and teach  him there.  That's their main concern, is that he isn't socialized.  School isn't about making friends, it's supposed to be about learning, and making friends comes second.  There are no other children being taught here that are going to detract from his learning by distracting him from what I am teaching.  There are no spitballs, or glue hands, or broken crayons being flung around the room.  There is no lice outbreak I don't find out about until my own child has it.  These concerned people, I've found, are usually uninformed about what homeschool really is, and also very conformed to society's standards, and I'm not going to let me son suffer for their shortcomings. 

Socialization?  He gets plenty, and not just from other children, but also adults and teens.  Do kids in traditional school get cooking lessons in kindergarten?  Learn beginning physics and mechanics in 1st grade?  Learn how to build in 2nd grade?  No, sadly, they don't.  Do they get exposed to communicable diseases and parasites, without being told there's a risk?  Yes, they do.  Do they get exposed to poorly qualified teachers?  Yes, they do.  Do they have to go out in the cold, in the dark, to wait on the bus or walk to school, and then spend most of their day inside during the winter, with no sunshine?  Yes, they do.  Do they get homework that keeps them from spending time with their families or hobbies that they want to pursue?  Yes, they do.

I want better than that for my child, and that's what I give him.  I know several children who go to regular school.  Some are brats, mean, petty, stingy children, others, who go to the same school, are great kids, who are respectful, helpful, kind, and listen to their parents.  Schools don't socialize children like many think they do.  Parents, families, they socialize kids for the most part.  Not schools.  If they did, you would see more kids acting exactly the same as the kids in their classrooms.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 22-28, 2012

We've covered several things the last week, including:

Currents found in nature.  Water currents were brought up after MrBaby lost his balloon he got at the Waynedale Picnic.  He had it on the porch, and Lea tried to warn him that it would fly out the side of the porch, but he didn't believe her.  After a small gust of wind blew into the porch from the south side and blew the balloon out the north east side, he was pretty upset, and cried for another one for quite some time.  I discussed with him about when he had thrown his shoe into the lake when we were camping in Huntington, at Camp Timber Lake.  He had been wondering if it would sink or float, and decided to do his own experiment, and find out.  What he hadn't thought about was if it did float, what would happen then.  It floated away.  This was repeated with the balloon, except it was in the air, instead of in the water.  The balloon could go up, instead of just across, at a reachable height, and it did.  It went up and away out of sight.  I told him, after he was calm, that currents carry things on them, like the water current at the lake took his shoe away.  The air was trapped inside the porch on the west and north sides and when it went out the other side, on the east, it carried the balloon away with it.  It didn't make him feel any better about his balloon taking a trip without him, but at least he knew why it happened.  We'll add to this later when we look at seeds that go airborn in order to propagate themselves.

His balloon floating away...

And it didn't come back, either.

Baby Sammy has also killed a squirrel, so I've covered up the dead tree cat with potting soil, and we'll have a skeleton in the near future.  The kids,including MrBaby 'enjoyed' having something gross around for a change.  I couldn't stand the smell, so needing to 'protect' it from being eaten, they didn't protest too much when I covered it up.

We also got a new camera, and will be able to take better pics, and videos again.  The camera came with a card, which are running in the 420 range, and the camera was only around $12, including the shipping.  Thing is, I need to spend about $30-40 to get a card that will let me take longer videos.  Right now, I am supposed to get about 90 seconds, but I only get about 1!   Here he is riding his bike.

MrBaby also has an Android speaker coming to him, so he can listen to his science class with Aurora, and it's coming all the way from China!

With the money cards, he's still having the common problem of understanding that even though dimes are smaller, you need five of those, or ten of the bigger nickels, to get two quarters to get a toy out of the machine at the gas station.

I took this through the window.  He went and got change all by himself.  We also discussed what happens when paper money gets too old.  One of his ripped on the middle a bit and he taped it to a piece of paper.  We're going to send it, after we write a letter, to the address found on this webpage, so he can get a US Treasury Check. 

We also went to an auction and here are some pics from there.  He actually tried to bid.  Someone bid $50 and he yelled out $70!  I said no no, he's underage!  The unit ended up going for $75, though.

It was after this that we went to the Waynedale Picnic.

As yo can see, a couple of other kids lost balloons that day.  He really believed that the porch roof would keep it 'inside' and keep it from floating away.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It was so quiet earlier this evening, but that's because all the other kids are going to bed at a decent hour in order to get up for school tomorrow morning. It's so much more pleasant now than it was over the summer. Most of the other kids are jealous because our schedule is so much more relaxed than theirs is, though. Over the weekend, my friends brought me an extra monitor so I could hook MrBaby's computer up, and I told MrBaby and another child (who seems unwilling to listen to any of the adults, including this child's mother) to clear a path on the porch so I could bring the monitor in without tripping, and to please not act like neither of you heard me. Nothing was done. My friends both told them to get a path cleared, because they had things they needed to go do. Again, blank stares and nothing was done. One of my friends said fine, you don't want to clean that up so your mom doesn't fall, just go back your overnight bag and you can come home with us. The porch was miraculously cleaned up in a few seconds. This same child came over yesterday and this child is into snatching toys from younger children, which makes MrBaby fuss and I've had enough. I told my friend Dolly what was going on and she sent her home yesterday. As soon as Dolly had left, though, this child was right back at the door, asking for MrBaby to come outside to play. As you probably already know, I work online, and I cannot be continually distracted by fussing, and the toy snatching is usually the reason for any fussing. My work is not only dependent on the quality I provide, but also on the time I spend on each individual task. This means that flat out, I cannot referee two children who should know that when I say 'play nicely' I really mean to do just that. I can't go out on the porch every few minutes to set things right again. So, since the other child won't eliminate the problem behavior, we've eliminated the child from coming over. Period, no more chances. There are several other children MrBaby can play with around here, and they don't seem to ask a hundred questions about why our family is a certain way and not just like their own. Now I'm trying to explain to MrBaby what the nuances are in this type of situation, such as the other children who play with the child who is banned from being over here are shunning him. I told him I didn't want him to play with them anyway. There is something wrong with children who are put in charge of a one year old child who then not only hold him upside down over the street to get him to scream in terror, but also abandon that same child, while strapped into his stroller, in the middle of the street and then run and hide behind trees and bushes. I don't spank very often, but if I have to, I will. It's usually a safety issue, such as going into the street when I've told him not to, or trying to ride his bike when it's getting to close to dusk, and I really honestly do not want MrBaby picking up any behavioral problems. We have been through so much, and come too far, for him to start acting up like I see so many of these children round here doing. If he starts doing similar things, he's going to end up grounded to the inside of the house, which isn't enjoyable for either of us, of course, and if that doesn't work, I'm going to have to start spanking. And that really will hurt me more than it does him. Social studies is such a blast!!! I think we will continue to 'study' from a distance and avoid any 'hands-on' studying in this area. All I can say is 'wow!'

Starting to Count with Monetry Denominations

We were at the grocery store, and among all the school supplies, I found flashcards.  I bought the money ones.  They have different coins on the one side, and the total amount on the other side.  MrBaby was a bit disappointed that it wasn't play money, though.  He's been wanting some, but when we got back home, I gave him four one dollar bills.  Then he asked me for a twenty!  Of course I told him no.  I also told him to save his money instead of spending it in the toy machines at the gas station. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Today we learned about poisonous berries, namely poke berries. These were used as dyes for ponies by Native Americans, and as the ink of the Declaration of Independence! Here are some pictures of poke berries we have here at Dolly's house:
This is a younger set of berries, with their white flowers showing.
Every part of the poke plant is poisonous, especially the roots. Many people eat poke salad, which is like boiled spinach, but I don't think we will ever try it. It takes several boilings, many people say only two, with the first one being in salt water, to leach out the toxins. I think we will just stick with spinach and lettuce instead, maybe dandelion greens on occasion.