Thursday, December 25, 2008

Story from Ask Dr Sears Website sent by MrBaby's Mommy

Full details can be found online at the following address:

Message from MrBaby's Mommy :
Even three years old can be too young to be left overnight....

“I'm feeling a lot of pressure from my husbands parents and my mom. They think it would be good for us to leave our baby with them overnight. They even bought us a hotel gift certificate which expires soon. I don't feel comfortable leaving my baby overnight. She is a very high need baby. Our parents don't think we trust them but it doesn't have anything to do with that. Am I being overprotective? What is an appropriate age where a baby is ready to stay overnight? She is three months old and she sleep with us. I breastfeed. They offered to stay at our house while we stay at the hotel, but my heart aches thinking about leaving her.”

I have said this before… but some grandparents are so clueless when it comes to raising babies! Of course, they love their grandchildren and probably mean well, but times have changed. Sure, leaving a three month-old was probably encouraged 30 years ago, but today, most child development specialists would say this is too young. Most children that are being “attachment parented” MIGHT be ready between 2-3 years old. My children were ready to stay at a friend’s house before they were ready to stay at the grandparents. Regarding the gift certificate expiring soon: if it was sold in California, Connecticut, or Washington then state law says that it can’t expire. Many other states are considering laws like this, so most likely you will be able to use this certificate in a few years. Sure, mom and dad could use some time alone, but with a three-month-old, were talking about dinner and a movie…

Dr. Jim

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