Saturday, April 2, 2011

Learning to Write English

MrBaby has learned to write most letters well, and is still working on writing the letter 'S' which can be a problem for most children, simply because it starts opposite from where most other letters do. Now, we're working on learning that words are groups of letters, and the same word means the same thing, no matter where it is seen. Teachable moment of seeing that one of Ben 10's aliens has the name of 'Ditto' and comparing it to the name he had written down yesterday for Bear's sister Ditto. It took him a minute to realize that 'Ditto' on the Ben 10 page was not 'Bear and Ditto' like he had written on his piece of paper, though.

His fluency in verbal English, though, is something that he will be able to rely on when writing longer texts, beginning first with short stories describing simple, everyday items.

For those who rely on writing articles as their livelihoods, but don't have English as their first language, finding out what sounds as good as some of their ideas are can be a daunting task. It's not impossible, but there is a big difference in what readers think after reading something written in broken English, and another article with the same content, but written in smoother English.

English lessons cost money, and few are free, or always directed at an article writer's problem areas. It's another obstacle that needs to be overcome in addition to finding article ideas. My best advice on article ideas are to write what you like, but also that has an audience. Without an audience, you're writing is wasted, and so is your time. But, if you don't like what you are writing about, that will show up and irritate your reader, sometimes enough to click off your content.

I don't teach just MrBaby for his homeschool, I also teach English to those who aren't fluent in it, and having been in South America before, I'm accustomed to using online translators myself, so I know first hand, the meanings I am trying to communicate sometimes get lost in translation. Many of those I have helped are involved in writing articles for money online.

Some translators are better than others, but here's a new one that you might want to try. I think it's pretty good. WhiteSmoke improves the use of synonyms, grammar, translations, spelling, and much more. It's simple to use, as well. If you wanted to take a break from working in English and write in your native language, you could do that, and then simply click to translate the entire article. Your choice.

I've also thought about using it myself to increase article generation, but in different languages, and seeing if I can post these additional articles elsewhere, in markets and on pages already using those different languages. Writing articles for money is more profitable the more articles you have posted. The debate with this is that the new article isn't written by the person submitting it. However, I believe that if you've written an article, and you pay someone else to translate it for you into a fluent version in another language, then it's the same as hiring someone to write an article for you in your own language.Sometimes you need to spend a little bit to make a lot more money online.

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