Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 22-28, 2012

We've covered several things the last week, including:

Currents found in nature.  Water currents were brought up after MrBaby lost his balloon he got at the Waynedale Picnic.  He had it on the porch, and Lea tried to warn him that it would fly out the side of the porch, but he didn't believe her.  After a small gust of wind blew into the porch from the south side and blew the balloon out the north east side, he was pretty upset, and cried for another one for quite some time.  I discussed with him about when he had thrown his shoe into the lake when we were camping in Huntington, at Camp Timber Lake.  He had been wondering if it would sink or float, and decided to do his own experiment, and find out.  What he hadn't thought about was if it did float, what would happen then.  It floated away.  This was repeated with the balloon, except it was in the air, instead of in the water.  The balloon could go up, instead of just across, at a reachable height, and it did.  It went up and away out of sight.  I told him, after he was calm, that currents carry things on them, like the water current at the lake took his shoe away.  The air was trapped inside the porch on the west and north sides and when it went out the other side, on the east, it carried the balloon away with it.  It didn't make him feel any better about his balloon taking a trip without him, but at least he knew why it happened.  We'll add to this later when we look at seeds that go airborn in order to propagate themselves.

His balloon floating away...

And it didn't come back, either.

Baby Sammy has also killed a squirrel, so I've covered up the dead tree cat with potting soil, and we'll have a skeleton in the near future.  The kids,including MrBaby 'enjoyed' having something gross around for a change.  I couldn't stand the smell, so needing to 'protect' it from being eaten, they didn't protest too much when I covered it up.

We also got a new camera, and will be able to take better pics, and videos again.  The camera came with a card, which are running in the 420 range, and the camera was only around $12, including the shipping.  Thing is, I need to spend about $30-40 to get a card that will let me take longer videos.  Right now, I am supposed to get about 90 seconds, but I only get about 1!   Here he is riding his bike.

MrBaby also has an Android speaker coming to him, so he can listen to his science class with Aurora, and it's coming all the way from China!

With the money cards, he's still having the common problem of understanding that even though dimes are smaller, you need five of those, or ten of the bigger nickels, to get two quarters to get a toy out of the machine at the gas station.

I took this through the window.  He went and got change all by himself.  We also discussed what happens when paper money gets too old.  One of his ripped on the middle a bit and he taped it to a piece of paper.  We're going to send it, after we write a letter, to the address found on this webpage, so he can get a US Treasury Check. 

We also went to an auction and here are some pics from there.  He actually tried to bid.  Someone bid $50 and he yelled out $70!  I said no no, he's underage!  The unit ended up going for $75, though.

It was after this that we went to the Waynedale Picnic.

As yo can see, a couple of other kids lost balloons that day.  He really believed that the porch roof would keep it 'inside' and keep it from floating away.

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