Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ground Hog Day with Leap Day Soon to Be Here

Well, some say Ground Hog Day was yesterday, but I've always felt it was the second of the second, and that would be today. Then, 27 more days, and it will be Leap Day. Karl wants to catch a ground hog now (I should have known, right?) and we have plenty here. They are all over the place, even here in the city. These are some very large animals, too, for something that lives underground. I really need a camera! I don't care what the news people say, or even if they agree with me - I think we only have a very short time left before SPRING hits, and it's going to be a nice one, without any of the common floods we usually have here.

I think it's Karl's very young age that is making it so difficult to explain that we add a day every four years to the calendar. But, I have all month, so I'm going to try another approach and see if explaining it from a solar system and climate and seasons approach will work. Wish me luck!

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